The Loss of Hope

Over It

I want to be very clear: I should be happy. For the first time in, well, ever, people are actually hearing me when I say that there is a problem. I have an ultrasound scheduled for next week, I get to talk to a dentist soon and I am finally, finally able to get my health and wellness in order. These are all good things, the best news. And I would have been ecstatic about it…seven years ago. Because seven years ago, I ran from doctor to doctor asking them to run all of the tests for thyroid disorders. I begged, I screamed, I cried and then, I became resigned.

A Rant

It’s just frustrating because I knew. I KNEW! While others were dedicated to telling me that I just wasn’t motivated enough, that I was lazy, my body was, possibly, attacking the thing that was supposed to keep me energetic. Considering most of the advice that I received was to, essentially, burn out until I make it, finding out that I have been burned out since at least 11 is wild and annoying.

About O. K. OhNo

I write a little of this, a little of that. But I am always out of pocket.
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